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Ostomy Outpatient Clinic


Opening hours and contact information

Visiting address

Tyks T-hospital
Hämeentie 11
Main entrance 18A, 4th floor, B-wing.

Postal address

PO Box 52
20521 Turku
Mo–Fr 10:00–11:00
Mo 10:00–11:00

Office hours

Mo–Fr 8:00–15:00

We help the patient and his/her next of kin to adjust to the new life situation caused by a stoma. The patient can come to the ostomy ward to discuss with a trained ostomy nurse or a person responsible of ostomy.

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It is important that the patient's individual situation is discussed during visits. We share information about what a stoma is, how it is maintained, and how to live with it when it comes to family, friends, work, travel and hobbies.  We also offer council and guidance in order to make the patient cope with the stoma as well as possible.

There are usually two or more appointments, if required. The first appointment is preoperative, if the patient is scheduled to be operated. The first appointment is about discussion and sharing information about the stoma and preparing for the operation.

The second visit, which is about a month after the operation, includes discussion about the stoma, its maintenance and any issues the patient has in mind and checking the status of the stoma.

The patient can be in contact and schedule an appointment, if necessary.

We are a part of Tyks Department of Digestive Surgery and Urology.
