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Tyks Kupittaa hospital area

Kunnallissairaalantie 20, Turku

Opening hours and contact information

Visiting address

Kupittaan sairaala-alue
Kunnallissairaalantie 20
Buildings 4, 9 and 10 are located at Kunnallissairaalantie.

Postal address

20700 Turku

Visiting address

Kupittaa hospital area, building 38
Kurjenmäenkatu 4

Postal address

20700 Turku

Visiting address

Kupittaa hospital area, building 6
Luolavuorentie 2

In the Kupittaa hospital area, there are several buildings with units of Tyks Psychiatry. The buildings are located at three different street addresses.

Kupittaa hospital area on the map

The Kupittaa hospital area consists of several different buildings located in the same area, but at three different street addresses.


Adolescent Psychiatric Ward J1

We make psychiatric assessments of adolescents aged 13–17 years and provides therapy when the resources of primary open care or open care adolescent…

Intensified Adolescent Psychiatric Open Care

Intensified adolescent psychiatric open care (Nuote) provides treatment to young people (age 13–19 years) with mental problems and their families.

Adolescent Psychiatry Working Group, Turku

We provide treatment to young people with mental problems and their families.

Vanhuspsykiatrian työryhmä

Potilaamme ovat pääsääntöisesti yli 70-vuotiaita.